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The 3rd Letter

letters to allah Jul 29, 2023

Dear Allah,

Growing up as an only child, people would often assume that I must have felt lonely, but I never did. I had a sense of contentment that I can only attribute to Your presence in my life. 

Recently, I faced a challenging moment when I had to let my eldest son go on a two-night residential trip. I couldn't bear the emotions that arose within me. It was an entirely new experience, and at one point, I found myself questioning my decisions. Realising that my emotions were getting the best of me, I knew I needed to check in with myself.

That's when I turned to the Nour Steps:
Clarity, Release, Embody, and Surrender.

By the time I reached the step of Surrender, Allah, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I felt so much better for it. Alhamdulillah, he returned safe and sound, albeit exhausted from climbing peaks and embarking on a 20-mile bike ride. But he was home, and in that moment, I embodied a sense of gratitude that I had never experienced before. It served as a reminder that no matter where I am in life, this journey will always present unexpected experiences that may push me beyond my comfort zone. However, it is ultimately my choice whether I dwell in those moments or return to You, Allah.

Please always keep me close to You. You are my home, my safety, the one and only Allah.

With all my love,
Mina xx





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