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The 2nd Letter

letters to allah Jul 22, 2023

Dear Allah,

I can't help but remember the lesson I was taught about Your love for small, consistent steps, and that's exactly what this is—an email sent to You every Sunday, where I get to speak directly to You.
This week I have been thinking about how Nour came to light. Haha what a play on words! My Dry British humour never ceases to amaze oneself. Anyhoo back to the topic in hand.

Ever since I embarked on this personal development journey, I've been trying something different when faced with challenging situations. Instead of reacting immediately and taking it personally, I take a moment to respond—considering both the other person's feelings and my own. It's a way to navigate those moments without causing harm and, at the same time, honouring how I feel.

I wanted something that's quick and easy to use—a tool with a strong foundation. A tool that allows me to quickly process my thoughts, emotions, and move forward, so I don't get stuck. Sometimes being stuck was a few weeks and sometimes years!

I've been working on this for years. Applying the techniques personally and with clients. When it all finally came together, it came in floods—Subhan Allah. I call it

"Nour," the 4 Steps to Illuminate the Path to your Eternal Home.
It just makes sense.
It helps me in the heat of the moment and during deep reflective states. I can’t wait to share all the steps with everyone. I am just imagining people turning to You, Allah, when things go wrong and when all is well too.

You know, there are certain things we learn from our parents, but nobody really teaches us how our thoughts and emotions shape our beliefs. And I suppose back then it wasn’t as important as it is now where we are fed information through so many different mediums.
Nobody shows us how we can make shifts in our mental state to change the course of our lives. It's a powerful realisation, and I hope to bring this knowledge to others through Nour.

With all my love,
Mina x

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