The 1st Letter
Jul 10, 2023
Dear Allah,
I find myself filled with nerves as I sit down to write this letter. It's hard to put into words just how grateful I am for all that has unfolded. The idea You placed in my mind has transformed into something tangible, and I owe it all to Your divine guidance. It's been quite a journey Alhamdulilah.
Three years ago, I hesitated, doubting my worthiness to embark on this path. Yet, in the span of just two months, everything fell into place. I'm still in awe of how it all came together, but deep down, I know it was You, my dear Allah that made it happen.
As a child, I found inspiration in stories like Matilda's, where resilience triumphed over adversity, and characters like Miss Honey provided unwavering support. Little did I know that my desire to be a source of support would lead me here. It's remarkable how Your plan for me unfolded, redirecting me from my teaching career to this path of embracing my identity as a confident yet humble Muslima. Words can't express the gratitude I feel for this blessing.
Before I unveil this project to the world, I humbly ask for one more thing. I pray that those who become a part of it will draw closer to You. Remembering that You are light upon light, I hope this course and community can serve as a guiding light for others. Even if they experience only a fraction of your love, I will feel my purpose has been fulfilled during my time here on Earth.
Allah, by sharing my vulnerability in this letter, I hope to create a safe space for others to discover that no matter what they've been told, You are reachable, and the line of connection to You is always open.
With profound love,
Mina xx
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